Monday, 12 January 2015

TV: Harry Hill's Stars In Their Eyes

This show divided opinions on Saturday night.  Was it a funny parody or an insult to a beloved show?

First of all, let's look at the host.  I have no issues with Harry Hill as a comedian or presenter, his brand of surreal, family friendly comedy is what sets him apart and makes him who he is.  However, Star in Their Eyes wasn't the best vehicle for him to bring that style to.  If we wanted that sort of humour, ITV should've given him his own show to do what he wanted, he didn't need Stars in Their Eyes to do it.  One thing that did annoy me though was the contestants were obviously giving him lines so he can do his jokes, a sign of a great presenter/comedian is thinking on the spot, not planning what you (or other people) will say.

Next, the contestants.  I don't know whether or not it was Harry Hill's idea to make the contestants look uncomfortable on camera, but it didn't work either way, it looked unprofessional and slightly cheesy.  However, when they started to sing as their respective artist, most of them were very good, especially Eminem and Christina Aguilera.  Some people may have expected it to be "X-Factor-ified" by offering contracts, album deals and a public vote, but that's not what Stars in Their Eyes is about, it's about being your favourite artist for one night and sharing in their joy.  I don't care if any of them do get a record deal out it, I don't even think the contestants themselves care that much, at least Harry Hill got that aspect of the show right.

Bottom line, I didn't like the show.  Not because Matthew Kelly didn't host it or that it wasn't completely true to the format.  I didn't like it because I expected Harry Hill to be himself, crack a few jokes and have a couple of surreal moments, but realise it's a singing show and have people actually sing a full song, not 2 minutes of singing before 5 minutes of material.  Everything that made Stars in Their Eyes great was in there, but it was very brief, I ended up fast-forwarding through Harry's material and going straight to the singing, which was definitely the best part.  If they make a second series, which could happen, have contestants sing a full song and have Harry Hill ask normal questions, have some funny moments and not manufacture ways of cramming pointless material into a show that already has a set format.  Or better yet, have Harry Hill host Catchphrase and get Stephen Mulhern host Stars in Their Eyes.  That's two shows I'd definitely watch!