This show is the most popular 'clever' sitcom on TV. It follows Ted Mosby, an architect who lives in New York with his friends Marshall and Lily, who are married, Robin, his on-off friend/girlfriend and Barney, a suit wearing womanizer who has various social rules.
I'd heard of this show and seen a couple of episodes when they were on TV, but didn't think too much of it. Then I decided to watch the first 3 episodes back-to-back online and I was instantly hooked. I then got the first 2 seasons on DVD. What I like about it is that it's a new take on a familar format, group of friends in New York does sound familar (Seinfeld, Friends, etc) but the fact it's being told as a story to Future Ted's kids and facts are misconstrued by constant re-telling or lies makes it more believeable (ironically.) Another thing I like is the middle ground with the format in terms of audience. Due to the complicated story lines, in terms of filming, the show can't be filmed in front of a live audience, so they add a laugh track, but it's very subtle and not over the top, the right amount for a show like it.
Another great thing is the characters. Each one has their own identity and can relate with at least one character. My favourite (and everyone's favourite) character is Barney. Neil Patrick Harris is perfect for the part and is a brilliant comic actor. I don't relate to Barney, but he's a very funny character and is the breakout star of the show, and most importantly, he is legen-wait for it-dary! When the show finishes, he needs a spin-off! I personally relate to Ted, I act older than my age, I'm not a fan of nightclubs and I'm looking for 'The One'.
And one more thing I like is the bold risks the show take, in format and in narrative. There have been some tear-jerking scenes in the show's seven year history, as well as some iconic scenes (Slap Bet comes to mind!)
So all in all, this show is brilliant and I recommend it. True Story!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Sunday, 8 April 2012
News: It's Easter!!
Well, that time of the year where eating chocolate is necessary is here again! I like Easter, it's like Christmas: Light Edition, less presents, less good stuff on TV and less focus on big meals. The only similarity is masses of chocolate.
Although the chocolate companies wouldn't say this, I do think Easter is a little bit pointless, Good Friday is the day where we shouldn't eat meat and eat fruit buns with a cross instead and Jesus died on that day, what's "good" about that? Easter Monday is just as pointless, even more so, as it has no meaning, it's just another bank holiday so people don't go to work.
Also, if Easter is the celebration of Christ coming back from the dead, why does the day keep changing? Have it on one day in April and leave it at that. I know it's something to do the Summer Solstice, but why does it matter? Maybe, no one can remember the actual day, or maybe it didn't happen, but that's another story.
Easter Sunday should be renamed International Chocolate Day, it wouldn't be any different!!
That's my opinion, what do you think?
Although the chocolate companies wouldn't say this, I do think Easter is a little bit pointless, Good Friday is the day where we shouldn't eat meat and eat fruit buns with a cross instead and Jesus died on that day, what's "good" about that? Easter Monday is just as pointless, even more so, as it has no meaning, it's just another bank holiday so people don't go to work.
Also, if Easter is the celebration of Christ coming back from the dead, why does the day keep changing? Have it on one day in April and leave it at that. I know it's something to do the Summer Solstice, but why does it matter? Maybe, no one can remember the actual day, or maybe it didn't happen, but that's another story.
Easter Sunday should be renamed International Chocolate Day, it wouldn't be any different!!
That's my opinion, what do you think?
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Film: The Avengers Series
I have seen all the Avenger related films, apart from Incredible Hulk, but who has? Iron Man is a very different film, as 30 minutes of it is Tony Stark in a cave making the prototype suit in which he escapes, it's still a great film though. Iron Man 2 is just as good, bigger budget, bigger plot and Scarlett Johansson as a bad-ass ninja agent, what more do you want? Thor is my personal favourite, not only is it a clever and simple concept, it has fun with it, making Thor weaker is an interesting way of showing a hero, it may have been done before, but Chris Hemsworth makes a suitable and funny hero and Loki is one evil god, he's the baddie in the Avengers. Thor also has the most unanswered questions. One, how did Loki survive? Two, how does Thor get back to Earth? The Avengers film will hopefully answer these questions. Captain America: The First Avenger is the last film before The Avengers, the majority of it is set in World War II and the rest of it is set in the present day. You do feel sorry for Steve Rogers as he's been frozen for 70 years and never gets to see Peggy again, but it could well be something they'll look into in The Avengers or even in the sequel as all the heroes will get another film after The Avengers this year.
All the trailers look amazing for this film and it most definitely won't disappoint any fans and will be a film to remember, forget The Hobbit, this is far more cooler and awesome!!
But it's my opinion, What do you think?
All the trailers look amazing for this film and it most definitely won't disappoint any fans and will be a film to remember, forget The Hobbit, this is far more cooler and awesome!!
But it's my opinion, What do you think?
News: Sandler Sweeps The Razzies
So the Razzies (or Anti-Oscars) were last night and history was made as Adam Sandler and his film Jack and Jill won every single award in the ceremony. Just Go With It won two awards, but only because it was packaged with Jack and Jill as Adam Sandler won Worst Actor and Dennis Dugan won Worst Director.
I like the Razzies, as it points out the flaws in a very diverse area, not everyone can get a film right and it shows as Adam Sandler can't do anything right, has he ever made a successful film? At least Nicolas Cage has starred in a couple of good movies, KickAss being my personal favourite. Sandler has done nothing for the good of humanity and he still goes on making films. If a film is that bad, why make it?
Anyway, my opinion, I welcome all views, just don't insult other peoples!
I like the Razzies, as it points out the flaws in a very diverse area, not everyone can get a film right and it shows as Adam Sandler can't do anything right, has he ever made a successful film? At least Nicolas Cage has starred in a couple of good movies, KickAss being my personal favourite. Sandler has done nothing for the good of humanity and he still goes on making films. If a film is that bad, why make it?
Anyway, my opinion, I welcome all views, just don't insult other peoples!
What's It All About?
I am James Booth. I'm 19, a student and watch a lot of films and TV shows. But this blog isn't just about that, it's about what I think about things in the world, whether it's a news story, something I've noticed, sports, people or even something I hate. Of course, I don't expect you all to agree with me, but it's what I think, we have different opinions and I welcome them all. So I'll post some stuff and I expect some feedback!!
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