This show is the most popular 'clever' sitcom on TV. It follows Ted Mosby, an architect who lives in New York with his friends Marshall and Lily, who are married, Robin, his on-off friend/girlfriend and Barney, a suit wearing womanizer who has various social rules.
I'd heard of this show and seen a couple of episodes when they were on TV, but didn't think too much of it. Then I decided to watch the first 3 episodes back-to-back online and I was instantly hooked. I then got the first 2 seasons on DVD. What I like about it is that it's a new take on a familar format, group of friends in New York does sound familar (Seinfeld, Friends, etc) but the fact it's being told as a story to Future Ted's kids and facts are misconstrued by constant re-telling or lies makes it more believeable (ironically.) Another thing I like is the middle ground with the format in terms of audience. Due to the complicated story lines, in terms of filming, the show can't be filmed in front of a live audience, so they add a laugh track, but it's very subtle and not over the top, the right amount for a show like it.
Another great thing is the characters. Each one has their own identity and can relate with at least one character. My favourite (and everyone's favourite) character is Barney. Neil Patrick Harris is perfect for the part and is a brilliant comic actor. I don't relate to Barney, but he's a very funny character and is the breakout star of the show, and most importantly, he is legen-wait for it-dary! When the show finishes, he needs a spin-off! I personally relate to Ted, I act older than my age, I'm not a fan of nightclubs and I'm looking for 'The One'.
And one more thing I like is the bold risks the show take, in format and in narrative. There have been some tear-jerking scenes in the show's seven year history, as well as some iconic scenes (Slap Bet comes to mind!)
So all in all, this show is brilliant and I recommend it. True Story!
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